Overview of UX strategies and solutions across projects

Research, opportunity mapping, UX architecture, rapid prototyping, strategic design, brand design and placement, responsive web and mobile product development, machine learning.

Strategic Innovation

Open Banking transformation

Human-Centered Design

Frictionless experience that increases user trust and drives adoption

Agile Development

Rapid prototyping and deployment

Advanced Technologies

Predictive, customization AI/ML, API



Open Banking is a strategic shift that unlocks the banking market and provides services and functionality that bank customers expect from modern banking including instant transactions, increased safety, simplified on-boarding, forecasting, personalization and access to multiple accounts through a single service.  Open Banking is most advanced in Europe because of PSD2, which has brought with it standardization for API specifications. This has led banks down the path from private closed to public open APIs and allowed them to become functional elements of the API Economy.  In US market forces drive Open Banking with competitive pressure from rapidly evolving global fintech companies and transformed EU competitors.



In order to thrive in this new landscape financial platforms need to realign their UX and design vision allowing organizations and clients to mutually benefit from innovation and shared value within collaborative ecosystems.  This underlies a deeper shift in business objectives and technologies that drive innovation adoption including predictive and automation solutions. We will look at the successful approaches across multiple projects, concepts and collaborative insights that identify user goals and pain points across all touch points, synthesize, prioritize and rapidly implement customer centric solutions adaptively and consistently across all markets.  For a detailed review of the optimization process see this case study.


Client expectations are changing affecting consumer trust.  B2B Customer Experience Research confirms that many business-to-business companies, including investment banks, face heightened expectations from their clients. Among respondents to this survey:

Expect tailored solutions
Want a self-directed experience
Monitor and evaluate vendor performance

They expect frictionless, intuitive solutions, a consistent level of service across channels, and solution providers to go above and beyond to keep their business.  The rise of global fixed-income e-trading in recent years reflects this trend. While its growth can be attributed to changes in regulation, fixed-income dealers are providing investors with an efficient and frictionless process.

Loyalty at Risk

Consumer trust in banks
Consumer trust in Tech companies

Customers’ loyalty is also at risk. Banks face an expanding array of new competitors. The entry of companies like Alipay, Amazon Cash, Facebook Messenger P2P, WeChat, and other services skilled at customer ease and experience may, in the longer term, disintermediate traditional banks from customer relationships and reduce banks’ distribution margins. Another aspect is that companies outside the financial services are starting to set the benchmarks for customer experience in banking. Digital retailers and e-commerce businesses rank high in customer satisfaction with banks lagging in the lower middle.

Banking apps score comparatively lower

Expense managers
Personal Finance

Today customer loyalty and trust are driven by digital channel experiences. There is an increasing trend among millennials to actively seek banking alternatives due to a lack of trust in their financial institutions. They are expecting the same level of innovation and convenience that they experience with Apple, Uber or Amazon services.



Business-to-consumer (B2C) experiences build around on intuitive self-service and frictionless interactions are shaping client expectations in the business-to-business (B2B) realm as well. As investment banks transform their services and products, they face the challenge of meeting changing client expectations within new API economy that eliminates many differentiators they have relied on in the past.

Finding UX Solutions

Here at M-One Studio on daily basis multiple industry cases confirm that implementing robust user experience strategies and architectures set banks on the way to success in the new world of collaborative innovation and shared value.

What do customers value:



One of the common fallacies of UX transformations is going for a deep impact disregarding immediate user needs.  In may cases this may disengage customers and derail the transformation jeopardizing its long term goal.

We live in a mobile first world with 90% of people under the age of 35 no longer using computers. Yet most banks still lack features like  to opening a bank account, refinancing, or simply transacting on mobile. Banks need to make a priority to understand mobile platforms and their users’ behavior . For many, banking apps are too critical to be built half-stacked.



User research is a critical fundamental for UX transformation in banking because it allows to solve real people problems by enabling the following design activities:

  • Constructing persona and behavioral segments
  • Identifying pain points in existing products and services
  • Defining and prioritizing user goals
  • Analyzing and optimizing user journeys with holistic journey maps


Data-driven approach grounded in user research will allow banks to:

    • Synthesize, optimize and rapidly implement UX solutions for continuous sustainable impact.
    • Deliver contextual fail-safe architectures and designs while working within security constraints that prevent attacks and exploits.


UX transformation in banking means: using design thinking to generate collaborative insights and working with clients, design , technology and data stakeholders to identify user goals and pain points across all touch points, synthesize, prioritize and rapidly implement optimized UX solutions adaptively and consistently across all products to achieve higher levels of customer centricity.


Engagement Paradox

Depth and breadth of usage analysis shows that 70% of digital banking customers use only 2 to 4 of their primary bank products, focusing on a small subset of features and disregarding or not realizing the value of others.  There are several reasons for this behavior: over-segmentation, mediation, and overfitting.



Over-segmentation is cause by acting on the spikes in user data. It may seem beneficial in short term, however a simple statistical analysis can demonstrate that this approach is unsustainable and may result in silos vulnerable to one-in all-service multi-channel competition.


Similarly focusing on the small subset of features that brings KPI home today, may result in growing customer disinterest in the value of underdeveloped features and products


Investment managers in particular maybe disengaged with products and services and act via middle managers or analysts making it difficult to deliver multi-tier engagement.

The solution involves tearing down as many design, technological, data and sociological silos as possible, focusing on dynamic multi-tier behavior segmentation and increasing breadth and depth of use while being mindful about simplicity and contextual architectures.


Sometimes optimizing investment product UX means minimizing engagement by allowing users to achieve their goals faster. This is usually referred to as the engagement paradox.  This creates simultaneously a challenge and opportunity, a dichotomy resolved by the integration of customization and predictive technologies. For example, infusing contextual analytics and adding “micro-Bloomberg experiences” for portfolio managers widens and deepens engagement while supporting their primary goals.  Building intelligent workflows is challenging as is, and with added AI black box factor optimizing cognitive load distribution by reducing step/task ratio and learning time becomes imperative.  Read more about cognitive UX optimization in this case study.

Whether at the level of intelligent news feeds or custom portfolio compositions and predictive cash flow and investment layers: AI/ML technologies are becoming one of the driving factors of UX transformation in finance with many organizations implementing digital loops above and below their customers.



Customer-centered designs are the focal points of the transformation in investment and banking.  They implement predictive cash flow and portfolio services, risk and performance management customization at personal and B2B levels among other features needed to adequately address evolving customer needs and provide the experience that meets and exceeds expectations.



By implementing optimized UX strategies and architectures and reducing over-segmentation banks and other financial services become more resilient to aggregator threats posed by rising global fintech within open API economy.

By delivering native multi-modal solutions and apps with meaningful micro-contextual (read: dimensionality and motion aware) workflows banks will fulfill current experiential expectations, and using agile iteration build sustainable collaborative ecosystems that increase shared value and win trust and loyalty of their customers.

Understanding and addressing evolving people’s needs and today’s socio-technological standards creates a solid UX foundation for developing continuous future-proof omni-channel financial experiences.


Providing continuous sustainable experience across products and markets facilitates trust and loyalty resulting in growing usage and adoption: the elements critical to the success of financial services in a super-fluid marketplace.

This is why achieving quality experience through innovation means also innovating the success metric itself.  According to Satya Nadella CEO of Microsoft: “Revenue is a lagging…, usage is a leading  indicator”.

In this respect, HEART (Happiness, Engagement, Adoption Retention, Task Success) framework helps maintain product health, while having KPI plugged directly into UX strategy ensures that revenue will follow the usage.

Customer satisfaction
Usage Increase
Adoption Increase
Readiness to switch decrease

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